Early Christians called their movement "The Way." As they attempted to live in "The Way," they faced darkness and evil because the Way, the Truth, and the Life are roads beset on all sides by lies, deception, and evil. This week we got to see Mark Zuckerberg "come clean" about censorship - even as your comments tell me you are being censored.
We saw major Conservative, Inc figures stand behind a woman who lives one life in private and another in public for significant profit. I am hearing about unrest at the FBI of senior management worried of a Trump election. And I see NOTHING to indicate Democrats will be handing over power in January 2025.
Principles like seeking truth are only a problem if you have them.
Check out BETWEEN THE LINES on YouTube:
http://PrepareLikeKyle.com (MyPatriotSupply Food Prep)
Use PROMO CODE "KYLE" at these sites:
http://PatriotCoolers.com/ (Tumblers & Coolers)
http://MyPillow.com/Kyle (Pillows/Towels/Bedding)
https://matthatjerky.com/kyle (premium Beef Jerky)
http://The-Suspendables.com (Show Merch)
http://ShieldArms.com - maker of the S10 and S15 magazines (Montana build firearms and accessories)
Here is some historical Context before the Sunday Sit-down interview this weekend.
If you missed Kyles appearance last night on Tim Young Show...